Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I'm leaving on SAISA Basketball tomorrow so for SGA we made the decision to try and raise spirit during this week before the SAISA athletes left. On Monday we had a day of small games including Ring Toss, Can Knock Out, Ping Pong Ball Toss, Goals and Free Throw. Everyone who participated earned a point for their particular house and if they did well in the game they won a piece of candy. We used the candy that we bought from Halloween as we've already spent the money on it and must use it up before 2012 as many of the bags expire in early 2012. These games were a planned and initiated activity, it took a lot of work to collaborate with the whole SGA to ensure that we were prepared for this day. We faced a few challenges along the way, like the fact that all the balloons I'd bought for the Water Balloon Toss were stolen and we were unable to do this game. On the whole it was a very successful event and I'm quite pleased with it. We undertook a new challenge in doing these games and I'm so glad we did because not only did the younger kids get into it but many of the older kids came out and participated which was great. This type of thing has never really been done at OSC before and I think it should be done more often, if I was here next semester I'd definitely do it again and I'm sure Sorrel, Roger, Nadeera and Keisha will do it again.

Today we undertook another new challenge by holding a Pep Rally during lunch. It did not go very well. We were incredibly disorganized in the beginning, nobody knew who was speaking. It was slow and nobody was cheering, it was not how a Pep Rally is supposed to be like. The Pep Rallies in my old school were much more effective, people had more SPIRIT there in general. It was embarrassing how badly it went. In the end we played four way tug of war, the boys split up into two teams, the girls played on one side and the coaches played on another. That was fun and would have been better had people been cheering and egging us on. I think two of the major problems were that not enough people showed up, in my old school it was mandatory to attend, and we weren't organized enough. I think that if we want to do a Pep Rally in the future we need the school to collaborate with us. If they are, in any way, interested in raising the spirit at this school, which truly lacks any sense of spirit then they will choose to work with us. It's too difficult for the SGA, a group of 22 people, to instill spirit into a school of over 400 people without the backing of the teachers.

Although the Pep Rally was not effective I think that I've shown perseverance and commitment to raising spirit at this school. We've had 4 spirit days now, Hippy Day, Nerd Day, Halloween, and Gangsta Day. We created a Spirit Banner in the beginning of the year when we did the Welcome Back Disco. Now we've also done a Pep Rally and some lunch time games in which spirit points were earned.

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